Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Michigan Merit Curriculum Online Experience

Talk about how you could use one of the technologies that qualify as an online experience with your students.

  • What content could this help you teach?

Computer Applications: Wikis, Electronic Portfolio, Learning Management System, RSS, Pod Cast/Video Cast, Webquest

CAD: Electronic Portfolio, Online Research, Learning Management System, RSS

Engineering: Electronic Portfolio, Online Research, RSS, Pod Cast/Video Cast, Webquest

  • What type of pedagogical strategies might you use with your students?

Inductive: Explain to students the assignment they are going do with the technology (problem). Have students get into groups and think of some other ways this technology is similar to other things they have experienced.  In these groups, students would learn the technology on their own using a tutorial provided by the teacher on a website or PowerPoint. Exploring and having them document what worked and what didn’t work.  We could then have a group discussion on how we could effectively use these technologies in class and write guidelines that we could follow while doing the assignment.

Deductive: Introduction of technology. I would introduce each technology related to things that students are failure with. Show some of the videos we watched about a blog or wiki. Then show students examples of the technology being used effectively and if so ineffectively.  Have a class discussion on why some are effective and others not.  Then have students get in groups and work collaboratively on learning the program.

  • What technologies do you think would be harder to use with your students? Why?

Online Research and Resource Validation. Because I feel that these are my weakest area.  I would not feel comfortable teaching it right now.  I would definitely like to improve and look into improvement in this area.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you formatted your instruction about technology directly to the deductive and inductive pedagogical strategies. I think that the students would enjoy this approach, and the opportunity to look at the effectiveness of different technologies. When it comes to resource validation, I recommend Googling the "Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus." This is a website that looks like a valid resource, but upon further research, the forgery of it become clearer. I use this as a way to show my students that not all things found on the web are valid, and have them look at ways to figure out the validity of a website.
