Sunday, November 22, 2009

Web 2.0 and the Classroom

  • What instructional strategies would fit well with using blogs in the classroom? Why?

At the beginning of the semester we talk about ethics in Engineering. I could assign students a topic (genetic engineering, genetically engineered foods, stem cells). Students could take a pro or against stance on an issue and use a blog to share there thoughts.  Students could also share there thoughts about topics in the news related to ethics and engineering.  Students cpuld then respond to each others topics.

  • What instructional strategies would not fit well with using blogs in the classroom? Why?

Brainstorming project ideas. I feel that I could use a wiki more then a blog. A lot of the instruction in my class would benefit from collaboration than one person sharing there and others responding.

  • How could you see Blogs being used in your classroom with your subject matter?

I would like to try the ethics in engineering unit.  I would normally do a classroom discussion but I think it would be good to see students use a blog to share their thoughts.  I think the dialog would be much better and it could then extend far after we covered it.  Students could also interact with experts on both sides of a topic.

1 comment:

  1. Another cool outcome that could come from your project on ethics in engineering would be contributions to the blogs from outside sources. Think of the different viewpoints that could be drawn to the student's blogs, and make comments on their ideas. I think the students would benefit greatly from this project!
