Wednesday, July 28, 2010

D/B 9

  • Previous assignments (R/D9*): As a kind of check in, I would like to hear a somewhat summative reflection on your experience in the course so far, particularly related to the technology-related tasks you have tackled.

I have found that some of the tasks could be very beneficial in my classroom.  Podcasting was new for me and I have already thought of some great activities that I could do with it that I have posted before in my blog.  Social bookmarking has some interesting uses in education.  I have heard of mapping and creating maps but did not really look into it that much.  With this activity I found some great uses as well.

  • How challenging have you found them?

I would say that they are of appropriate difficultly.  I never felt overwhelmed or that any of them where a waste of time.

  • What support you did not get that you would have appreciated (or what support did you get that you did appreciate)?

The support portions of each website, forum on Blackboard, and Google have helped for each assignment.

  • Are excited, frustrated, both? Do you think you will find ways to incorporate some of what we have done in your professional work?

Excited.  See above comments.


  1. I found all the technologies we tried challenging, but am glad for the experience and support from the class members. I hit that furstration level several times, mostly as I didn't have internet at home to start with, so jumping around to computers, not being allowed to download some of the required items has created frustration levels. One night I had everything done and ready to load into the blog and we lost cable, internet, and phones--I had to take my laptop back up to Western and use the internet in my car to post it by midnight--lucky for me the battery was charged and I posted it by 11:45. But 5:30 came really early that next morning. I have found most of the technology useful and believe it will be helpful to me in my job and can see how it will be helpful in a classroom.

  2. I am also excited to use a few of the technologies we have used in the course for my classes. Although I had a little difficulty at first with a few things, now that I know how to use them I also think that they are at an appropriate level of difficulty or ease once you have the basics down. How do you think you may incorporate social bookmarking? I'm thinking about using it for general reference websites or research sites.

  3. This is the first week that we've been in the same discussion group, so I hadn't read your ideas for incorporating technology until now. I did read through your other posts and I think you've got some great ideas! Your podcasting idea is especially powerful.

    I agree that the assignments are definitely not a waste of time. Sometimes I feel a little overwhelmed about getting every thing done, but then it always goes faster than I think it will(:
