Tuesday, August 10, 2010

D/B 13

What from chapter 31 made you say (or think) "that's so neat!" Why?

The application of Artificial Intelligence.
To have a program or system that can learn about a user and plan out specific learning tailored to that learner is just amazing. To have every student learning how they like to learn in a classroom is very challenging for a teacher, however, using AI in an instructional system can design curriculum specifically to all the learners and teaches it to them in a way they learn best.

What was your favorite activity of the semester and why?

I really liked the mapping and website activities.
The mapping activity was especially neat because it was something new for me to learn. I also can see the benefits to using this with Google Earth.
The website activity helped me to develop a better WebQuest activity. I like the idea of having my students create a website instead of a PowerPoint. For one creating a website is something that may be new to a lot of students. It is a skill that they can use in the future. The amount of information that I wanted is best represented in a website.


  1. The more intelligent artificial intellengence gets the more it make me realize how complex our own intelligence is. What a complicated piece of machinery we are. COOL!!

  2. Ginger makes a good point, humans are very complex! It is neat to think that AI could be used to help identify students learning styles. Perhaps that functionality should be paired with the nurturing qualities of actual humans.

  3. That would be a great tool to use when dealing with studtents. I think you are the only one that liked the mapping project the best. It actually didn't stick out in my mind at all, but maybe that's because I used google maps to find things and places right along.--I get lost easily and began using them before I got my own gps.

  4. I like the idea of using AI to cater to students' individual learning styles. That would be really neat to see. Sometimes thinking about the possibilities of technology helps me realize things I could be trying even without technology. Since I know I won't encounter AI in my elementary building anytime soon, it makes me think of things I could try with materials I already have.

  5. A word of caution for AI, artificial intelligence is still a system of code and runs on a foundation of pre-determined rules and orders. An AI system will never be able to "manipulate" the curriculum the way an actual teacher/person will be able to. With that being said, I do think AI will have a valid place in education in the near future. Maybe not determining the path of student instruction on its own but help the teacher/educator determine the most appropriate path of instruction for the student.

  6. Artificial Intelligence is beyond me in many ways and I think that it would be a great tool to help differentiate instruction, and would be a great way to enhance a teachers base, but I feel safe in my job since it will never be able to take the place of a teacher because it can't get the interaction.
